Research Support

TowBoat One, Inc. Scientific Marine Research Support

Bring agile vessels and expert guidance to your project by partnering with TowBoat One, Inc. Palm Beach.

TowBoat One, Inc. is proud to support regional, national, and international research programs with an extensive fleet of versatile and capable vessels and a well-trained, dependable crew. Based out of Riviera Beach, Florida, we provide scientific marine research support services throughout South Florida and the Bahamas.

Supported Services

Buoy Deployment

Buoy Retrieval

Data Collecting


Ocean Glider Locating

Ocean Glider Retrieval


Sonar Transducer Towing


Water Sampling

Our Fleet

TowBoat One, Inc.  marine scientific research support services are led by our large fleet of agile vessels. Our fleet, composed of vessels built to withstand the rigors of commercial towing, includes 7 RHIBs and a 36’ Crusader.

Our 36’ Crusader is capable of carrying large and heavy equipment while comfortably seating 4-6 members of your team. This vessel has successfully completed dozens of research projects in South Florida and the Bahamas and is available to support your research.


Case Study: TowBoat One, Inc. and CDIP

The CDIP at Scripps Institution of Oceanography UC San Diego measures waves and sea surface temperatures for weather forecasting, military purposes, port traffic, and more. To collect this information, the CDIP utilizes weather buoys that weigh up to 600 lbs. These buoys are deployed around the world, including here in South Florida, Towboat One Inc. conducts deployments and retrieval for maintenance and replacement.

TowBoat One, Inc. manages buoy deployment and retrieval for the CDIP from South Florida to the Bahamas. This process includes coordinating details with the CDIP, loading and unloading gear and buoys, pinpointing precise locations for placement, and deploying and retrieving buoys at an exact GPS location.

TowBoat One, Inc. partners with a wide range of companies and nonprofit organizations, including Scripps, Lockheed Martin, and more.  

Move Your Research Forward with TowBoat One, Inc.